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A long cherished Dream

Graduation Day is the day that I had dreamt about. I personally never thought I would ever graduate, but here I am. Every single one of us worked so hard to get here. I never thought I would be up here on this day, but dreams do come true. As nervous as I was standing behind the podium, I was also joyful and proud to share my experience with you all. About five years ago in a boutique, I happened to meet my school teacher who is now currently the Principal of Sindhi High School, Hebbal branch – Mrs. Maitreyi Satyadev Ma’am. As we reminisced our good old days, she motivated and encouraged me to take up a graduate program in a field of my choice. I was relatively settled in my career then, with a permanent job in the World's Best Bank’ and 'Best Place to Work' - HSBC with a handsome package.  However, as days passed by, my teacher’s meeting that day had given me a lot of food for thought; that meeting was lingering me by giving me sleepless nights about whether I want to
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The controversial Plastic Card (Part 01)

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Gandhiji's 7 principles relevant even today

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