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How to make India a developed country?

India – a diverse nation with varieties of race co-existing within the same boundaries, having various views, motives and goals. With the idea of co-existing, people contribute their talents. The other side of the story is that they also breed their own motives to bake their own bread in various ways. This wonderful, magnanimous, vibrant country needs contributions towards its development from all corners of the nation and from every individual. There are various ways citizens can contribute towards the development of our beloved country.
Primarily, the citizens must get rid of the thinking of just ‘self-development’. But an accountable citizen must not be self-centered.
Secondly, the citizens must curb all kinds of bribe in all forms and in all sizes. Bribing is one of the largest sources of creating grey wealth for the beneficiary. As the beneficiary need not account these kinds of transactions and eventually this wealth is not taxed by the government. Therefore, the government will have to restrict their sources of aid to the needy of the society. This results in the society reducing their standard of living which really does not give a neat picture of the nation.
Thirdly, our nation must shun the concept of securing a fixed percentage of seats to a certain section of society irrespective of their labels inherited by their forefathers. This idea of safeguarding the seats not only gives space to the undeserving candidate, but also makes way to lose a potential candidate who may be highly suitable for the position. This kind of maintenance is widely followed in educational institutions and certain work places. Due to the dismay experienced by the suitable candidate who would be shown closed doors, would land up on an external land to execute their skills and in turn develop the other nation. This would be a dual loss to the home land by not only losing out on a potential candidate, but also feeding the nation’s resources to an ineligible candidate.
In addition to this, the Indian expats who have settled overseas must reconsider relocating back to their home land to contribute their skills towards the development of the nation. There have been instances where some expats relocated back to India and tried their best to contribute to the nation’s development, however due to the unacceptable corrupt and unethical system in the private sector forced them to book a return ticket to their foreign county. In these circumstances, with the developed technology and with the help of social media, these instances can be escalated to the relevant authorities to take appropriate action and thereby improve the situation in the nation to make development more conducive.
Another way of developing the nation is to strengthen the country's economy. One of the many methods of strengthening a country's economy is to use its own resources. One such example is to use the RuPay card - the domestic debit card issued to bank account holders which competes the international branded cards. Each time a foreign card is used at a retailer, a single digit percentage of charge is levied on the retailer by the international card issuer through their respective bank. This means a part of the income travels to the overseas company thereby offering a lavish feast to the foreign country's economy. Whereas on using the RuPay card, a decimal percentage of charge is levied which in turn revolves within the country and hence increasing the profit margin of the retailer.
Undoubtedly there have been significant developments in the field of payments. We have evolved from the traditional cheque payment system to electronic payments system which improved the transaction timescale from three days of cheque clearing cycle to completing the transaction within a span of few minutes without any errors.
The industrialists of our nation must also embrace the 'Make in India' project which encourages manufacturing of goods ranging from locomotives to high end mobile phones. This not only motivates the manufacturer to innovate in their goods and services, but also aids in the development of the nation's economy, skills, GDP, inviting talents from foreign countries and creating jobs.
As an individual, I am confident that we can simply follow these simple and similar ways to transmute the nation's situation and thereby easily achieve USD 5-trillion economy target.

PC: Google


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