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Lessons from Nature

This picture-perfect scenery valley must be located amidst the Himalayan range. The smooth flowing river streaming between a pack of mountains and green land on the other side dispels a positive feeling that the duration of living beings which is measured in 'years' will also pass by just like the river. But we must strive to benefit others in society. Just the way the river quenches the thirst of a thirsty person, we must also share our best practices, experiences, resources with the needy. The green grass growing on the riverside dedicates its life to the cattle who graze the fresh, dew dropped grass for the nutrition of their body and the milk extracted by the generous cows. 

The beautiful strong trees standing tall, heaven anigh renounce their life by shedding the fruits for the mankind, various species of birds who not only fill their bellies but also their young and loved ones. The humans must also adapt a lesson from trees, whatever success, height one may have reached, one must not neglect the left out classes of people to help them improve their living standards. 

The spotted full moon which is partially covered with thick clouds about to burst themselves and emanate the required rain is discharging from the soothing temperature on the earth. Although, the moon receives its energy from the dazzling sun which is always blazing with hot waves, transforms this heat into soothing rays. Such quality a man must cultivate from the moon. Even after receiving harsh gestures from life/destiny/peers, one must always transform the reaction in a calm and composed manner. This will not only build toleration levels in a human being but also maintain a healthy environment. 

The strong mountains laid by nature in the scenic view also convey a strong message to society. One must be as strong as a boulder-like mountain to sustain the situations thrown by life at various stages just the way, mountains sustain scorching heat during summer, battles incessant rains during monsoon, and spine chilling cold during winter. Similarly, a man must develop strength, self-confidence not only to handle the situation but also to overcome it.

(PC: Google)


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